National Night Out

As I do each year, I celebrated National Night Out with many friends and neighbors. This year I visited with folks from neighborhoods adjacent to Franklin Boulevard, and spent most of my time in what some call the “Fruitridge Pocket” and others consider “South Oak Park.” Regardless of what we call it, it’s a neighborhood I feel very strongly about since it is the most populated, urbanized, unincorporated area within the district I represent. At the event, I committed to constituents from this neighborhood that the County of Sacramento is redoubling its efforts to address everything from crime prevention, to the need for improved street lighting, to ensuring better code enforcement to combat illegal dumping.  The commitment is not a hollow one. I explained to everyone there that they need to hold me accountable as their supervisor, and by the next National Night Out we WILL see results. 

With friends, neighbors and staff at National Night OutSpecial thanks to all the various county agencies and their representatives who attended last night, and who did a great job introducing themselves to residents and explaining what they do. This includes: the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, Probation, Code Enforcement, Waste Management and Recycling, Health and Human Services, Human Assistance, Community Development, and Transportation. Also, a shout out to Next Move, formerly Sacramento Area Emergency Housing, for hosting the event. 

 SheriffProbation & Sheriff


County staff at National Night Out August 5, 2014

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