Proud to serve a fourth term

January 10, 2023
I was honored and humbled to take the oath of office to serve another four-year term on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors.
My friend and inspiration Ashley Soltani administered the oath. She did an incredible job explaining our unique friendship; a product of our lives intersecting a few years back when she was homeless and addicted. Today, she’s several years sober, is married and has a beautiful three-year old daughter, is gainfully employed, participates in a successful family business, and regularly speaks words of inspiration and hope – THANK YOU ASHLEY!! ❤️
I’m grateful to the voters and people of Sacramento County who’ve granted me this amazing opportunity now for the fourth time. Heartfelt thanks to my wonderful staff without whom I could not possibly do the job expected of me. And finally, and most importantly, to my wife Roxanna. It is her love and support that makes its all possible.
Thanks to all my friends, family and supporters. I will continue to do my best to govern with heart and head, empower the voiceless, lift-up the poor, the young, the elderly and the sick, and of course to make you all proud of your County Supervisor.
Ashley Soltani and Supervisor Serna photo
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