COVID-19 Homelessness Response Team

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Responding to Homelessness in the County of Sacramento: The Sacramento COVID-19 Homelessness Response Team is a part of a broader County and City emergency and public health response to COVID-19 in the homeless populations. The Homelessness Response Team is comprised of representatives from Sacramento County Departments of Health Services (DHS) and Human Assistance (DHA), County Director of Homeless Initiatives, the City of Sacramento Homeless Services Division, Sacramento Steps Forward and Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA).  Learn more about the Homelessness Response Team, data and success stories here.  

June 2021 Update: Sacramento’s COVID-19 shelters opened in April 2020. Over a year into COVID-19 sheltering and since the focus of sheltering shifted to rehousing, as of June 14, 2021, 315 total individuals have exited the COVID-19 shelters to stable housing and an additional 226 have exited to temporary housing or shelter destinations such as emergency shelter or transitional housing programs. Shelter guests continue to work with re-housing programs or onsite navigators to identify and progress along pathways to permanent housing. At this time the Preventative Quarantine rooms are full and we are not able to take new referrals. Isolation rooms remain available for people experiencing homelessness who have tested COVID-19 positive.  Read the June 21, 2021 Homelessness Response Team weekly progress report.  


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