Sacramento County Regional Parks has launched an expanded river safety campaign, “Life Looks Good on You” and our annual “Kids Don’t Float” campaign to promote the use of life vests and ensure that everyone is well informed and makes safe decisions. Both campaigns will begin with public outreach and social media in early May, and progressively grow throughout the summer. The campaigns will target both
kids and young adults, and will use a combination of life jacket boards in multiple languages, social media, radio advertising, video advertising, special events and community partnerships to spread the word about river safety.
Please join us to help spread awareness about this important safety reminder and consider joining the conversation by sharing your summer river photos using the hashtag, #SacRivers. Sacramento County will be watching your tweets, Facebook and Instagram posts, engaging and sharing so that we can spread the message with all Sacramento river goers. Visit Regional Parks website for more information.
So remember, before you dive in, put on a life vest. And make sure kids under 13 wear one – it’s the law!