African American children matter: strategic plan presented to Board of Supervisors

The Steering Committee on Reduction of African American Child Deaths submitted their strategic plan to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on April 14, 2015. I was pleased to see the chambers filled with parents, members of the community, faith-based and community agency leaders, elected officials, and many others who share my concern, and who want to reduce disproportionate African American child deaths in Sacramento County. We can, must, and will do better. I’m grateful to the members of the Steering Committee on the Reduction of African American Child Deaths for their hard work and thoughtful recommendations. Workshop on reduction of African American child deaths

Go to Sierra Health Foundation’s Center for Health Program Management website for more information.

Sacramento Bee story:  County considers spending $6 million to reduce black youth deaths

Sacramento Bee Opinion by Marcus Breton:  Sacramento area’s deaths vary by race

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